The Master Certificate Scheme

25 March 2024

The Master Certificate Scheme celebrates excellence, encourages career progression, and recognises the very highest levels of skill and experience. The scheme is a partnership between City & Guilds and the participating Livery Companies organised by the Construction Liveries Group.

Many congratulations to the Merchant Taylors’ awardees at the Mansion House ceremony – Chuksi Ibe (Apprentice), Joe Holsgrove (Journeyman), and Jonathan Becker (Master) – who are working to the highest of standards in the tailoring trade. (Pictured here with Master Michael Cole-Fontayn).

Many thanks to Company-member tailors - Liverymen Alan Cannon-Jones, Philip Parker, and Victoria Townsend for their time in selecting the award finalists.

Awardees at the Mansion House ceremony
Awardees at the Mansion House ceremony

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